Tag Archives: htaccess

Multiple Domain Names and SEO

Search engines like Google don’t like duplicate content, and having multiple domain names pointing to the one website is doing exactly that. In real terms this means it’s a bad thing if you have two domain names pointing directly to the same page. The way around this is to chose a domain name to be your primary domain and redirect all other domains names to it. This is done by adding a simple .htaccess file to the root directory of your website. Inside this .htaccess file you should paste the following: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.?)yourduplicatesite.com$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.yourmainsite.com/$1 [R=301,L] […]

Changing the domain name of your WordPress website using 301 redirects

First off, I’ve been battling with this for hours and hours and the solution in the end was so simple I was kicking myself. I suddenly thought I’m not the only one who is banging their head on the desk over this one so thought I’d explain my mistakes and hopefully save some of you a heap of time. Here’s my problem: I have a WordPress website at www.xxx.co.uk and I needed to move it to www.yyy.com.au without impairing my seo rankings. It’s worth pointing out that the site is the same, it’s just the domain name that is changing here. Sound […]